All about CSS Selector
구체적으로 태그 가까이 다가가서 지정해주는 스타일의 우선순위가 더 높음
/* naver로 시작하는 아이들만 골라서 색깔 바꿔줌 */
a[href^='naver'] {
color: purple;
/* .com으로 끝나는 아이들만 골라서 색깔 바꿔줌 */
a[href$='.com'] {
color: purple;
/* love를 포함한 아이들만 골라서 색깔 바꿔줌 */
a[href*='love'] {
color: purple;
/* 다른 태그에 달려있는 special 아이디는 무시하고 li의 special만 변경 */
li #special {
color: blue;
/* .apple이면서 .banana이기도 한 것 */
.apple.banana {
color: red;
div selects all <div> elements.
p selects all <p> elements.
#cool selects any element with id=”cool”
ul#long selects <ul id="long">
p strong selects all elements that are inside of any <p>
#fancy span selects any elements that are inside of the element with id=”fancy”
#cool span selects all elements that are inside of elements with id=”cool”
.neato selects all elements with class=”neato”
ul.important selects all <ul> elements that have class=”important”
#big.wide selects all elements with id=”big” that also have class=”wide”
p, .fun selects all <p> elements as well as all elements with class=”fun”
a, p, div selects all , <p> and <div> elements
p * selects any element inside all <p> elements.
ul.fancy * selects every element inside all <ul class="fancy"> elements.
p + .intro selects every element with class=”intro” that directly follows a <p>
div + a selects every element that directly follows a <div>
A ~ B selects all B that follow a A
A > B selects all B that are a direct children A
:first-child selects all first child elements.
p:first-child selects all first child <p> elements.
div p:first-child selects all first child <p> elements that are in a <div>.
span:only-child selects the elements that are the only child of some other element.
ul li:only-child selects the only <li> element that are in a <ul>.
:last-child selects all last-child elements.
span:last-child selects all last-child elements.
ul li:last-child selects the last <li> elements inside of any <ul>.
:nth-child(8) selects every element that is the 8th child of another element.
div p:nth-child(2) selects the second p in every div
:nth-last-child(2) selects all second-to-last child elements.
span:first-of-type selects the first in any element.
div:nth-of-type(2) selects the second instance of a div.
.example:nth-of-type(odd) selects all odd instances of a the example class.
span:nth-of-type(6n+2) selects every 6th instance of a , starting from (and including) the second instance.
p span:only-of-type selects a within any <p> if it is the only in there.
div:last-of-type selects the last <div> in every element.
p span:last-of-type selects the last in every <p>.
div:empty selects all empty <div> elements.
:not(#fancy) selects all elements that do not have id=”fancy”.
div:not(:first-child) selects every <div> that is not a first child.
:not(.big, .medium) selects all elements that do not have class=”big” or class=”medium”.
a[href] selects all elements that have a href=”anything” attribute.
[type] selects all elements that have a type=”anything” attribute
[value] selects all elements that have a value=”anything” attribute.
a[href] selects all elements that have a href=”anything” attribute.
input[disabled] selects all elements with the disabled attribute
input[type=”checkbox”] selects all checkbox input elements.
.toy[category^=”Swim”] selects elements with class toy and either category=”Swimwear” or category=”Swimming”.
img[src$=”.jpg”] selects all images display a .jpg image.
img[src*=”/thumbnails/”] selects all image elements that show images from the “thumbnails” folder.
[class*=”heading”] selects all elements with “heading” in their class, like class=”main-heading” and class=”sub-heading”
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